Roy Thurik is an associate of SEOR. He is emeritus professor of economics and entrepreneurship at the Erasmus School of Economics (EUR) and Montepellier Business School. He is also emeritus professor of entrepreneurship of small businesses at VU Amsterdam. Roy is fellow at two renowned research institutes: the Tinbergen Institute and the Erasmus Research Institute for Management.
Roy's research concerns the role of small companies on markets, the rol of entrepreneurs in companies and organisations, social entrepreneurship and the causes and consequences of entrepreneurship in economies. He is also involved in the development of a new research area, which studies the role of bio- and psychomarkers in decision making.
Furthermore, Roy has played a large role in setting up and leading educational programmes in the field of entrepreneurship at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and in setting up the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE).
SEOR is an independent social economic research organisation linked to the Erasmus School of Economics and provides research and advisory services to both public and private sector clients worldwide.
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